About Us > Why We Exist

Why we exist

The Problem

Muslims were once the leaders in education, science and learning, leading them to great things.

But not any more.

There are 1.6 billion of us (give or take a few), so we’re not exactly short of numbers…


There was something different those early Muslims possessed that is severely lacking today.

They had a vision.
They had courage.
A resilience to overcome any difficulties.

They had a vision.
They had courage.
A resilience to overcome any difficulties.

The time those Muslims thrived was when the attitudes to learning were very different to the way they are today. They considered all forms of seeking knowledge a form of worshipping God — and it led them to major discoveries as they sought to excel and go as far as possible due to their love of Allah.

They saw learning anything beneficial as worship – and as such, they were inquisitive, driven and were motivated by following the Qur’anic instruction to ponder, reflect and use their intellect in a way that would directly benefit and serve mankind.

Quite simply, they were people who KNOW.

Our Approach

ۗ قُلْ هَلْ يَسْتَوِى ٱلَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ۗ

“Are those who know

equal to those who don’t know?

The Quran 39:9

The Qur'an makes a clear distinction between the one who knows, and the one who doesn't.

Who is someone who knows?

Someone who understands the world, is in harmony with their fitrah, is active not passive, is curious and loves learning and growing, champions truth, speaks for justice, acts with wisdom and is able to express themselves whilst living by their purpose and having an impact on the world.
Quite simply, someone who sees, seeks and speaks the truth.
“We are knowers by our very nature. People who don’t have a desire for knowledge are like cattle. A human not seeking knowledge is not being human, not fulfilling his capacity as a knower.”
We must always seek knowledge in the pursuit of being our best self, the one who knows our Lord.

We believe if we can create enough knowers, we can revive a Second Golden Age, insha’Allah.

How do we create a knower?






The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

“My companions are like stars. Whichever of them you follow, you will be guided right.”

The first golden age, started in the time of the Prophet (SAW) and how he transformed the sahabah from uncultured bedouins to people who changed the world.

What was the secret to their transformation?

Undoubtedly, the biggest difference was the revelation of the Quran.

Therefore just as in the time of the Sahabah, there are 3 core phases required to build an eco-system that leads to a Second Golden Age

We transform people who “don’t know” into people who “know” in 3 phases.



When the Quran was first revealed, it gave a group of people with no history, no precedent of greatness, hope, inspiration, belief and a grand vision to aim towards. Now it was clear that they were the chosen people, which got them believing in new possibilities. Faith was born.

  • Learn about our history
  • Appreciate our revival is promised
  • Understand the objective and road map required
  • Get to a tipping point of purposeful thinkers of calibre
  • Use the Quran as the foundation



Once they had vision, the long and arduous process of developing great people started, with 13 years in Makkah focusing on understanding core fundamentals, their purpose and getting rid of their previous false beliefs – all the while in a hostile land to build their resilience.

  •  Know what your true purpose in life is
  • Understand yourself and your God-given mission
  • Unlearn the paradigms that will sabotage your progress
  • Build resilience to handle any difficulty
  • Focus and work diligently towards a single, sole direction



Once the foundations had been built, they were ready to go on to their next phase – where they were not minorities but where they could exert their influence in a friendly environment. This is where innovation, development impact, social order and structure thrived as they were able to implement Allah’s laws fully and holistically.

  • Grow, develop and fulfil your true potential
  • Serve, serve, serve every day
  • Build daily habits that fuel you
  • Inspire, innovate and have impact on others around you
  • Live by the Quran holistically and have a Quranic worldview

We do this by helping Muslims become people who KNOW.*






Sees = Critical Thinker
Seeks = Lifelong Learner
Speaks = Purposeful Pioneer
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