

Golden Age

We are more than just Islamic history enthusiasts; we are torchbearers of a Ummah-wide revival. Our vision transcends borders and speaks to the universal greatness that lies within each of us.

This is why for over ten years we’ve been producing media, training and education programs aimed at provoking thoughts, stirring the soul and reviving a burning desire to have high aspirations. Do you dare to dream big again?

Imagine receiving a letter that reveals your noble lineage, tracing back to a great visionary who built a remarkable civilization. This knowledge transforms your outlook, empowering you to lead a purpose-driven life filled with positive impact.

The Second Golden Age is that letter.

Our aim is to ignite a Second Golden Age for Muslims by challenging paradigms, unifying the Ummah and inspiring self-actualisation in service to others.

We recognise the pressing need for original thinkers within the Ummah, as the absence of such visionaries leaves us vulnerable to external narratives.

In today’s information age, navigating the overwhelming noise, deception and lack of substance has made it difficult to discover our purpose and unlock our true potential.

Inspired by the Quran and the principles of lifelong learning and living in harmony with our fitrah, we seek to revolutionise Muslim thinking and action.

We aim to bring about this Second Golden Age by transforming individuals, fostering aspiration and instilling the characteristics of past changemakers, scholars and pioneers.

It will require a collective effort to bring about this paradigm shift and awaken the immense potential of the Ummah, but with determination and creativity, we can pave the way for greatness once again.

Introducing our latest masterpiece…

How To Revive A Second Golden Age of Islam: Strategic, Long-Term Thinking for a Beleaguered, Battered and Bruised Ummah

A Long Term Road Map for Reviving a Once-Great Civilisation through a Model of Transformation

In this book, I explore the key principles and insights that hold the potential to rekindle the brilliance of our past. Delve into the rich history of Islamic civilisation and discover how we can apply its wisdom to navigate the challenges of our modern world. Uncover the roadmap to empowering individuals, building a purpose-driven Ummah and ushering in an era of greatness.

“This book is more than just words on paper; it's a beacon of hope and inspiration for all those who yearn to revive the legacy of our ancestors.”

Get your copy now and be part of the movement towards a Second Golden Age.

Who We Were

Once upon a time, we were pioneers in all things. This was the Golden Age of Islam. Profound Muslim thinkers of the past such as Imam al-Ghazali, ibn Sina, ibn Arabi, Ibn Khaldun, al-Kindi and Al-Khwarizmi led the way with discoveries, innovations and theories that stood the test of time.

They had a profound impact on Islamic thought, especially philosophy, metaphysics and science, at a time when seeking all forms of knowledge was celebrated and considered a means of worshipping Allah ﷻ. They recognised that the more they learned about the world, the better they would understand and impact their Deen and vice versa.

Through our work, we intend to revive the spirit of the first Golden Age by showcasing content that reminds us of our great history and teaching how to infuse that into today to bring about version 2.0.

Who We Ought to Be

How do we bring about a “Second Golden Age?” Throughout Islamic history, people were inspired by the Quran, sought lifelong learning and lived according to their fitrah (natural disposition) — which enabled them to go on to great achievements, change the world and leave a lasting legacy.

Most importantly, they were God-centric — and that led to harmony in society — as everything was done to add value, help others and seek the pleasure of their Lord.

THIS is what we need to revive.

When we combine spiritual knowledge with the “worldly” knowledge of business, arts and science, we start to understand the world more deeply, more holistically and this is where wisdom and insight are enhanced. You begin to connect the dots. This can lead to positive action, impact and a changed world.


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