A transformative online coaching program empowering Muslims like you to live a purpose-driven life
fueled by clarity, passion and the knowledge of your unique calling.
Become part of a new generation of greatness.

Start anytime, anywhere.

You want to start living with more meaning and fulfilment,

but you feel…

All these thoughts crush your self-belief, leaving you feeling like you’re not worthy. You might even question why you’re here in the first place. But, here’s the simple reality…


89% of Brits aged 16-29 believe their life lacks purpose. (Yakult)


85% of Millenials believe finding a role with purpose is more important than a high salary. (Deloitte)


People who find their work meaningful are 130% more likely to be resilient amidst life challenges (Forbes)

You were created to worship Allah ﷻ.

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.

[The Quran 51:56]

By recognising the greatness of Allah ﷻ and submitting to Him wholeheartedly, you can transcend the allure of worldly distractions and unlock your purpose, leading to a life filled with contentment, empowerment and the realisation of your greatest potential.

Here’s the problem though.

You probably already know this.

It’s easy to say, but hard to do.

Here’s the real question: HOW do you implement this in your daily life when you have bills to pay and a career you’re already committed to?

What if I told you you could actually do this in a way which allows you to ‘worship’ in a way you find easy, engaging, can be paid handsomely for and best of all, fulfils your immense potential?




A transformative online coaching program empowering Muslims like you to live a purpose-driven life, fueled by clarity, passion and the knowledge of your unique calling.

Clarity Starts with Curiosity

This program will help you:

Ultimately, this program will help you reach your full potential and do something you love while making an impact in this world and preparing for the best in the hereafter.



“Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.”




Modern education does not create “thinkers”. This results in an impoverished state for the Ummah where we’re subject to other narratives instead of creating and following our own.

The time Muslims thrived was when their attitudes to learning were very different. They considered all forms of seeking knowledge as a form of worshipping Allah. This led them to major discoveries as they sought to excel.

In Know Your Purpose, we go three steps ahead of traditional education

and teach from

The Quran & Sunnah

The Quran gives us the perfect balance and lens through which to see the world. We look at how it was implemented by the Prophet ﷺ while studying his sayings (Hadith) and daily practices (the Sunnah). This can pave the way for a revolution in thought and action.

Islamic History & the Icons of the Past

From studying Islamic history and the Golden Age of Islam, we explore the core principles behind what made the key players so successful in both Deen and Dunya, and retrace their footsteps to elevate the Muslims today.

The Best of the West

We’re not saying Western education is bad full stop, we’re just saying it lacks spirit does not build character and give you all the elements needed.. However, there are some great things we can learn from the leading authors and thinkers from the Western world today.

When we combine spiritual knowledge with the “worldly” knowledge of business, arts and science, we start to understand the world more deeply, more holistically and this is where wisdom and insight are enhanced. You begin to connect the dots. This can lead to positive action, impact and a changed world.




on the




These four modern icons of Islam represent each of the stages of human growth. What is clear is that they had an extremely strong sense of purpose   which far transcended "what" they did. The most important question they sought to ask was "why?"

We believe Allah created everyone with their own unique set of skills, experiences and interests. Everything has happened for a reason, all to prepare you for the mission you are uniquely designed for.

If you fail to pursue your purpose, it remains unfinished. When successive generations neglect their individual missions, the Ummah falls into stagnation, dwelling in the doldrums.

This is not voluntary but your divine duty!

“It is just as if a king had sent you to the country to carry out a specified task. You go and perform a hundred other tasks; but if you have not performed that particular task on account of which you had gone to the country, it is as though you have performed nothing at all. So man has come in this world for a particular task, and that is his purpose; if he does not perform it, then he will have done nothing.”


For the past ten years, we have been committed to elevating the Muslim mind and creating thinkers, changemakers and pioneers by producing inspiring, thought-provoking content. This includes dozens of videos, articles and events, interviewing top scholars and experts about important subjects such as economy, geopolitics, food, healthcare and permaculture.

By helping Muslims to understand themselves and their purpose, we give them the key to unlocking their potential and doing something that goes on to serve the Ummah. That transformation of becoming excellent individuals will eventually lead to the Ummah rise again, insha’Allah. The Know Your Purpose program is the first step towards this self-actualisation.

I’m Faisal Amjad,

My career journey to date has been pretty unorthodox. From graduating law school and focusing on being a solicitor to a long corporate career in procurement (with stints as a data analyst and project manager in between) spanning both private and public sectors working for some of the UK’s biggest companies. For years I went from role to role, unsatisfied, still seeking the one thing I craved more than anything :  a sense of purpose.

Surely there was more to life than slaving away in the 9 to 5, right?

It was beginning to erode my soul. It didn’t quite answer the burning questions I had. I felt I had to compromise and more than anything, I did not feel I was doing myself justice. I was cruising, just going with the flow.

So in 2014 — on the verge of turning 30 — I quit my job with no idea which road to take.
I decided to become an entrepreneur and since then, alhamdulillah I have been fortunate to be involved in many different ventures, from e-commerce and selling products on Amazon, to building an education platform from scratch, crowdfunding and creating a smart home tech consumer brand, running a marketing agency, a media company, a training provider and a business consultancy, amongst others. Naturally, there’s also been a lot of trial and error along the way and more than a fair few failed ventures to add to this list.

Throughout this journey, I have constantly had to pivot and discover myself over and over again before finally coming to realise what drives me most, what areas I can offer the most value and what allows me to reach my highest potential. I looked at things from an Islamic perspective and a Western model. Most of all, I studied myself.
Only when you really know yourself can you truly become who you were meant to be.
Modern life is often one compromise after another, designed to suppress and depress until you end up with a life you don’t recognise. Worst of all, you don’t know how you got there and how to get out.

Though the struggle has been full of ups and downs ,  it has finally given me what I sought the most. That search for meaning, understanding of my place in the world  and a lifelong mission to focus on relentlessly.
Today, I find myself with complete clarity — a sole and single focus — and more driven than ever, alhamdulillah.

Increasingly, I have realised that many others are facing similar struggles,  in particular with discovering their “thing”, getting clarity on their purpose or understanding what career to go into. Others have perhaps been doing the same thing for decades but feel stuck, desperately wanting to do something that is more aligned with who they are before it’s too late.

I have made it my life’s mission to directly resolve this problem.
If living up to your potential is the ultimate expression of your potential, it will spread into other areas of your life.

By knowing your purpose, you will get:



Turn decades into days by accelerating the process of finding your purpose, passion and path through the Know Your Purpose program today.



Whether you feel completely lost or just need more direction on your next move, the Know Your Purpose program will help you find the clarity you need to live a life filled with energy, enthusiasm and impact, insha’Allah.

40-Day Program

Get access to 40 days of paradigm-shifting on-demand online video training to help you find your unique calling and learn how to live a purpose-driven life.

Weekly Live Group Coaching:

Join live and interactive sessions to overcome roadblocks, experience personal transformation and learn from the shared wisdom of others.

Lifetime Access to Program & Recordings:

Enjoy lifetime access to the class recordings, allowing you to catch up on missed sessions or revisit valuable content at your convenience.

Downloadable Worksheets:

Engage in exercises and thought-provoking prompts to unveil your unique calling through introspection of past experiences and passions.

Private Community:

Join an online community where you can ask questions, discuss ideas and celebrate wins with like-minded Muslims.

Bonus 1

Onboarding Clarity Call:

Gain absolute clarity, clear doubts and get extra support with this optional 30-minute call with one of our expert coaches.

Bonus 2

Reviving Lost Legacy Mini Course:

Reignite Muslim greatness, gain inspiration and shape a purposeful future with renewed knowledge with this 4 hour presentation.


“If you feel like you’re wasting your potential, you hate your job, and you see the days going by and you’re languishing in mediocrity, then this program is for you. I joined Faisal Amjad’s Know Your Purpose program, and it is exactly what I needed. I was just wasting my life going to a 9-5 corporate job I hated like most others, and the knowledge I’ve gained so far has been paradigm shifting and has completely changed my mindset on a lot of things. I discovered things about myself I never knew. Faisal takes a genuine interest in your struggles and helps you through anything you may be going through in life. Thanks to Faisal’s help I’m on track to starting my first business and getting away from the 9-5 rat race.

Velin Tarkochev

I have to give a shout-out to my coach and mentor Faisal Amjad for all his support. Faisal is a great coach who has a remarkable ability to see potential in his clients. He recognized what I was capable of, even when I was unable to recognize it myself.

During times of uncertainty and ambiguity, he provided clarity. He helped me navigate through a fog of confusion and chart a course towards my goals. When I was off-track, he gently and constructively advised me and has never hesitated to provide valuable insights throughout my journey.

What I was struggling to achieve for more than a decade, he was able to bring out in just a few months!

Fouzia, California

The KNOW course and weekly meetings have been of so much benefit to me in both my personal life and my professional life.

The KNOW course is far from your ordinary Islamic course or your ordinary self-help course.

In fact, its curriculum is a perfect blend of both worlds as it provides you with the necessary advice to navigate this world, with advice based on the Quran, Hadith, and books by famous Islamic scholars.

This is definitely a life-changing course and has helped me personally expand my mindset, alhamdulillah.

Adil Khan


Make Every Moment Count

Time is the most precious resource we have and it holds the key to fulfilling our purpose on Earth. It is not a luxury or a mere privilege to work on your purpose—it is the essence of how you will spend your limited time here.

Discover the significance of your journey, seize the opportunity and achieve what you are destined for.

The Application Process

Finding your purpose is a serious commitment, requiring time, effort and investment. To ensure alignment and readiness, our program operates by application only. Complete the application to schedule a call and take the next step towards your transformation.

40-Day Program
Weekly Group Coaching
Lifetime Access to Program and Recordings
Downloadable Worksheets
Private Online Community
+ 1-to-1 Clarity Call + Reviving Lost Legacy Presentation

Finding Your True Purpose is Guaranteed

At KNOW, we are confident in the transformative power of our program. We guarantee that if you fully commit to the journey and complete the entire program and yet do not find your true purpose, we will gladly refund your investment.

Embark on this purpose-driven journey with confidence, knowing that we are here to support you every step of the way.


This comprehensive coaching program provides guidance, support and tools to help you identify your unique purpose, overcome obstacles and live a more fulfilling life.

Through interactive sessions, self-reflection exercises and practical strategies, you’ll gain clarity, motivation and the skills to align your actions with your purpose.

As long as the program is active and you are enrolled, you will have the opportunity to participate in these live sessions, allowing you to connect with the coach and fellow participants, ask questions, share insights and receive personalised advice.

This ongoing access ensures that you have the support you need for as long as you require it, creating a dynamic and collaborative learning environment. We understand that the journey towards discovering and living your purpose is unique to each individual and may take time.

That’s why we offer these live group coaching sessions on an ongoing basis, so you can receive the guidance and inspiration you need throughout your entire journey.

Yes, our coaching program offers the flexibility to join at any time. You can start your transformative journey whenever you’re ready and progress at your own pace. Because you get lifetime access, the earlier you start, the better.

The Know Your Purpose Program is designed for individuals in different stages of life who are seeking to rediscover their purpose and live a more fulfilling life. This includes


18-27 year-olds: If you have recently graduated or entered the corporate world and already feel lost, soulless, and lacking a sense of purpose, this program can provide the guidance and support you need to align your actions with your true calling.


28-44 year-olds: If you feel stuck after having followed the expected path for too long and yearn to do something more aligned with your authentic self, this program can help you break free from the rut and embark on a purpose-driven journey.


45-59 year-olds: If you married early and are now entering a chapter of life where you have more time for yourself, giving you the opportunity to pursue your long-held dreams, this program can assist you in rediscovering your passions and living a life that truly reflects who you are.


Regardless of your age or current circumstances, the Know Your Purpose Program offers a transformative experience that supports you in finding clarity, reigniting your passions and embracing a purpose-driven life.

No, there are no prerequisites for the Know Your Purpose Program. The program is designed to guide you through the process in a step-by-step manner, providing clear explanations and support along the way. Whether you are new to self-discovery or have previous experience, our program is accessible to all individuals who are eager to explore their purpose and live a more fulfilling life.

Absolutely! This program is designed to benefit Muslims of all backgrounds and ages who are seeking to live a purpose-driven life. Our programs and resources are tailored to provide guidance and support to individuals at various stages of their personal and spiritual journey.

The live group sessions for the Know Your Purpose Program are held every Wednesday at 5 pm UK time. We value the importance of regular and structured sessions to support your growth and progress on your journey.

We understand that life can sometimes interfere with attending live group sessions. If you are unable to join a session, don’t worry! All live group sessions are recorded and made available in your online student portal.

You can conveniently access the recordings at a time that suits you best, ensuring you never miss out on the valuable content and insights shared during the sessions. We strive to provide flexibility and support to accommodate your schedule and allow you to progress through the program at your own pace.


You can also ask a question in the community and we can elaborate on it further in the next session. 


While there may be general information available for free on self-discovery and personal development, the Know Your Purpose Program offers a completely unique perspective that combines the teachings of Islam, insights from the Golden Age and a focus on personalised guidance. 


This program has been designed with full transformation in mind. 


You will see the world differently after you do this program, that’s for sure. 


In our program, we go beyond generic advice and provide a Quranic lens through which you can explore your purpose. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how Islamic principles can shape your journey and find inspiration from the accomplishments of the past.


Moreover, our program emphasises the development of critical thinking skills and decision-making processes. We explore various methods, such as mental models, biomimicry, systems thinking and first principles. Through these approaches, we foster polymath and holistic thinking, just as it was encouraged in the Golden Age.


Many of the frameworks and models we teach are completely unique in that they have been solely developed by us so you definitely will not find these concepts elsewhere. 


By joining the Know Your Purpose Program, you’ll have the opportunity to access unique perspectives, interact with experts and receive personalised advice tailored to your specific journey, insha’Allah. The program’s comprehensive approach, enriched by the Islamic lens and focus on critical thinking, sets it apart from generic information available for free.

In the Know Your Purpose Program, it is a personal journey, you can choose to spend 30 minutes or 3 hours. There is a lot of discovery and deep diving you will do which for some, may take longer than others. Your progress depends on how quickly you make your way through the content and there is no rush! 


For guidance, it’s a 40-day program, so it can be done in that time frame if you are fully focused on it. But for most, they would take longer, 3 to 6 months is a good estimate. We value your time and aim to provide engaging and impactful sessions that maximise your learning experience within this time frame. 

40-Day Program

Weekly Group Coaching

Lifetime Access to Program and Recordings

Downloadable Worksheets

Private Online Community

+ 1-to-1 Clarity Call

+ Reviving Our Lost Legacy Course

At KNOW, we firmly believe in the transformative power of our program. If, despite your full commitment to the journey, you don’t discover your true purpose, we offer a hassle-free refund. Your satisfaction is our priority and we are here to support you throughout the process with unwavering dedication. Embark on this purpose-driven journey with confidence, knowing that your investment is safeguarded.

Getting started with the Know Your Purpose Program is easy! Simply click the button above to enrol instantly.

Alternatively, you can schedule a no-obligation call with us by clicking here. During the call, we’ll explore if the program is the right fit for you. Rest assured, we won’t pressure you into anything—our goal is to provide guidance and support as you embark on your purpose-driven journey. 

Certainly! If you have any questions, need assistance or would like more information, you can reach out to our dedicated team by emailing us at salaam@kn-ow.com. We are here to support you on your journey and provide the guidance you need.

“Allah would never change a people's condition until they change their own condition.”

Throughout Islamic history, people were inspired by the Quran, sought lifelong learning and lived according to the Fitrah (natural disposition). This mindset enabled them to accomplish great achievements, change the world and leave a lasting legacy.

We retrace their footsteps, identify the key principles that amplified their greatness and combine them with the best of what the modern world teaches to revolutionise the way Muslims think, how they act and who they become.

If you’re ready to do more and be more, then I invite you to join the Know Your Purpose program.


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