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The Founder

I'm Faisal Amjad

My career journey to date has been pretty unorthodox. From graduating law school and focusing on being a solicitor to a long corporate career in procurement (with stints as a data analyst and project manager in between) spanning both private and public sectors working for some of the UK’s biggest companies. For years I went from role to role, unsatisfied, still seeking the one thing I craved more than anything :  a sense of purpose.

Surely there was more to life than slaving away in the 9 to 5, right?

It was beginning to erode my soul. It didn’t quite answer the burning questions I had. I felt I had to compromise and more than anything, I did not feel I was doing myself justice. I was cruising, just going with the flow.

So in 2014 — on the verge of turning 30 — I quit my job with no idea which road to take.

I decided to become an entrepreneur and since then, alhamdulillah I have been fortunate to be involved in many different ventures, from e-commerce and selling products on Amazon, to building an education platform from scratch, crowdfunding and creating a smart home tech consumer brand, running a marketing agency, a media company, a training provider and a business consultancy, amongst others. Naturally, there’s also been a lot of trial and error along the way and more than a fair few failed ventures to add to this list.

Throughout this journey, I have constantly had to pivot and discover myself over and over again before finally coming to realise what drives me most, what areas I can offer the most value and what allows me to reach my highest potential. I looked at things from an Islamic perspective and a Western model. Most of all, I studied myself.

Only when you really know yourself can you truly become who you were meant to be.

Modern life is often one compromise after another, designed to suppress and depress until you end up with a life you don’t recognise. Worst of all, you don’t know how you got there and how to get out.

Though the struggle has been full of ups and downs ,  it has finally given me what I sought the most. That search for meaning, understanding of my place in the world  and a lifelong mission to focus on relentlessly.

Today, I find myself with complete clarity — a sole and single focus — and more driven than ever, alhamdulillah.

Increasingly, I have realised that many others are facing similar struggles,  in particular with discovering their “thing”, getting clarity on their purpose or understanding what career to go into. Others have perhaps been doing the same thing for decades but feel stuck, desperately wanting to do something that is more aligned with who they are before it’s too late.

I have made it my life’s mission to directly resolve this problem.

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