Western media and the destruction of spirituality
By Safiyyah Sabreen Syeed

The war on hearts and minds

Published in: Self, World
Date: 10 / 02 / 21

Sometime back I read in the news (TRT World) that 60-year-old American woman from the state of Wisconsin in the US said she converted to Islam after watching the highly popular Turkish television series Dirilis Ertugrul along with her own studies into the religion.

She changed her name to Khadija after converting, stating that she was overwhelmed and inspired by Islam’s core tenants of peace and justice – a lot of which was portrayed in the Turkish TV series.

It sure is a great series. But lets have a serious reality check here.

One woman converted to Islam watching a series on Muslim history. But the bitter truth is that thousands, if not millions of Muslims turn away from core Islamic values because of Western and westernized media. It can be said that the primary reason for the moral and spiritual decadence in the world is modern media. Islamic values of spirituality, God consciousness, piety, modesty, fidelity, austerity and so on are traded with vile attributes that are increasingly defining the global monoculture today.

The way women are objectified in Western media is even worse that how pre modern barbaric communities viewed and treated women. And the objectification is not just limited to films. Its everywhere - in the news in sports programs, in financial programs, you name it. All of this has serious effects on the psyche, on lifestyle choices and the overall vision of a person.

It has been scientifically proven that audio-visual content has a stronger impact on the brain and memory than any other content.

When the West took upon itself to colonize the whole world it set before itself tasks to make the job easy. The colonization would not be just restricted to territorial occupation. It would be multilayered. People's bodies, minds, and souls needed to be colonized by the western hegemonic powers.

In much of our research we have identified these powers to be what the Prophet (pbuh) called the tribulation of Gog and Magog (extremely powerful people who take over the entire globe and establish their world order- a One World Order). Take my online course on the subject: http://kn-ow.com/course/an-introduction-into-gog-and-magog-20/

An important component of this global psychological colonization is media. Its been almost a century that minds throughout the world have been subjected to this psychological attack through Hollywood, mainstream media, news, press and television shows. The worldview and lifestyle that is promoted through media all over the world today, we need to understand, is at great odds with the ethical and spiritual teachings of Islam. Infact media is the number one source for Islamophobia and anti Islamic values.

Good Islamic media is the need of the hour.

We need to compete in producing good Islamic media that caters to the entertainment and educational needs of the Ummah. It must be deeply rooted in core Islamic values and must have a broad appeal to incorporate different communities and cultures. 

Now here's the important point. If the opponent is objectifying women through their media, we must retaliate not by hiding and eliminating our women from our media. But we must show the world how Islam presents the best and most healthy manner for men and women to interact honorably and respectfully with each other, just like the sahaba and the sahabiyyat were.

Another important area that needs to be highlighted through Islamic media is islamic history and Islamic Science. We need to educate people on the great scientific innovations that were made in the Muslim world which brought about the Scientific Revolution in Europe. Not many people know that Galileo, Keplar and Copernicus were not founders of the Scientific Revolution. Infact, all they did was to introduce Europe to Islamic Science.

Lastly, the need for investors in this area is great. If enough people express the need for a particular product, that creates a vacuum for talent, creativity and finally investment. I feel Turkish media with great series like Ertugrul, Yunus Emre, Osman and Payitaht Abdul Hamid has effectively set the ball rolling. Now all we need to do is keep the trend growing.

Check out our Second Golden Age Series Season 1: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXlbtyYlXqOLDT1P0qgb64t8pNd6xd3AU

Here is Season 2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXlbtyYlXqOIYq5eJtANlpjJIm36p4I8u

Safiyyah Sabreen Syeed

About the author

Safiyyah Sabreen studied Mechanical Engineering and is currently pursuing her Master's in Philosophy. She is the Content Director for KNOW. Being interested in the field of Islam and Science and Islamic Eschatology, she produced a documentary on the Golden Age of Islam and directs the Second Golden Age series.

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