Top 5 Time Wasters
By KNOW Team

The same 24 hours- but some are winners some losers

Published in: Self
Date: 17 / 05 / 17

Time, in reality is the only wealth we have. Wealth lost can be recovered at some point or the other. But TIME once lost can never be recovered. Infact as you read this article, the present moments are continously being piled up as your past, with every breath that leaves your body.

Top 5 time wasters we need to get rid of:


  1. Facebook- don’t think I really need to explain this to any of you. Everybody knows Facebook (and other social media) can be a huge black hole for time.
  2.  TV- This is, in my opinion, the worst culprit of all. 99% of the time, it’s not useful, helpful or recreational in the true meaning of the word. Lots of shows try to sell themselves as being informative or educational, but they aren’t.
  3. Playing Games — It was Plants vs. Zombies for a while. Then Angry Birds… What games do you like to play? I mean like seriously, all of those billions of neurons, the length of your arteries till the moon and back, your eyes with a resolution of 576 mega pixels. Your heart working constantly without break from the time you were born till your last breath. And you use it for crushing virtual candy or throwing buildings via birds
  4. Watching movies — This is a small step up from TV — at least you aren’t being bombarded with commercials. But one 90-minute movie a day adds up to 10.5 hours per week, and that’s a lot of time lost. Study in Magazine “Pediatrics” (December 2013) showed that movies over the years have become more violent and more shameless and vulgar (Harvard School of Public Health 2004). Now this really begs our attention and our humanity to turn this epidemic away from ourselves and our families once and for all.
  5. Watching sports- Sports, linguistically is something that necessitates participation. Traditionally people “played” sports. But thanks to the modern age of dumbing down entire generations, we are gaining pounds, sitting on couches “ watching” sports !



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