It's all in the Intention
By Naseeha Tayob Ibrahim

8 intentions to make before taking action -

Published in: Self
Date: 16 / 09 / 20

As Muslims, it is important to ensure that we try to earn as much rewards as we can through everything we do. Being conscious of Allah ensures purity and sincerity of our intentions. In order to get the most from our goals, it is important to set the right intention. Yahya b. Abī Kathīr said, “The intention reaches further than the action.” Before we begin any task, venture or journey, our intentions should be in the right place. Here are 8 intentions that we should make, however small or big our task is.

  1. Oh Allah only you are giving me the Taufeeq to do this Amal (action) and its outcome is only in your hands.
  2. Oh Allah I am doing this Amal because it is your command and a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saw) (Think of some commands of Allah and Sunnahs related to the action)
  3. Think of some virtues of the action that are promised by Allah and Prophet Muhammad (saw).
  4. Oh Allah You are watching me, You can hear me, You know what is in my heart and You are with me.
  5. Oh Allah I am not fit to do this action. (Think of your sins at this point). Oh Allah all others who are doing this action are your slaves through the blessing of their action accept mine too.
  6. Oh Allah I am doing this Amal only for Your pleasure. Grant me the ability to please You and protect me from Your anger.
  7. Oh Allah, accept this action of mine and make it a means for my Hidayat (guidance) and the Hidayat of humanity till Qiyamah.
  8. After the action make Shukr to Allah and Tauba with remorse.

May Allah (swa) guide us all to pursue our actions with pure and sincere intentions.


Naseeha Tayob Ibrahim

I speak. I write. I coach.

I want to make the world a better place.

As an avid reader and writer, it’s no surprise that communications became my career and line of work. There is never one thing in particular that defines who I am, except the fact that I am passionate about everything I do. That made me the odd one out most of my life. It made realize how important it is to listen to my heart.

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