Empowering a New Generation of

Greatness Thinkers  Pioneers

Where Emerging Muslim Leaders Find Purpose, Unlock Their Potential and Shape the Future
"Are you aligned with your life purpose?" Take the quiz to find out









The world is advancing faster than ever.

Muslims are not.

“During the last five hundred years’ the religious thought in Islam has been practically stationary. There was a time when European thought received inspiration from the world of Islam. The most remarkable phenomenon of modern history, however, is the enormous rapidity with which the world of Islam is spiritually moving towards the West.”

Islam was the catalyst for some of the biggest innovations in the modern world, particularly in the Golden Age, changing the landscape of the world as we know it.

Today, Muslims are not aspirational or innovative enough, let alone pioneering real change in the world.

We believe much of this is down to our spiritually deprived education system, which clouds our worldview and prevents us from thinking for ourselves.

We want to create a new generation of thinkers and doers who will be spiritually led, intellectually formidable and passionate about changing the world.

The last time Muslims adopted this mindset, philosophy and approach, it culminated in the Golden Age of Islam.

This is why our vision is a world experiencing a Second Golden Age of Islam where Muslims lead the way in

intellect, innovation and impact.


Creating a new movement of


Reviving a Second Golden Age requires a complete transformation of our collective thinking. That means an education based on the fitrah, led by the Quran, focused on discovering purpose and becoming someone who can use it to serve humanity.

Here's our three stage process to transform the Muslim mind:



Develop a Mission-Driven Mindset

Discover the limitless possibilities of your rich history and the promised revival. Cultivate a strong belief and mindset, chart your path and embrace purposeful thinking, guided by the wisdom of the Quran.



Find Your True Purpose

Uncover your true purpose and God-given mission. Shed self-sabotaging paradigms, build resilience and focus unwaveringly on your singular direction.



Expand Your Unique Potential

Fuel your true potential with developing the right level of thinking that drives you. Serve others, inspire innovation and create meaningful impact in your communities, all guided by the Quranic worldview.

We do this by helping Muslims become people who KNOW.*





Sees = Critical Thinker
Seeks = Lifelong Learner
Speaks = Purposeful Pioneer

I'm Faisal Amjad

It all started when I finally asked myself THE most important question I've ever asked myself.

Why are we here, anyway?

You see, up until that point, I was the typical good kid, going with the flow, ticking all the boxes expected of me – a shiny parents-approved law degree, an impressive corporate job at a big company, company car and all the perks. A decent catch for any prospective bride, surely. What more could a career-minded young man want?

But there was something huge missing.

Something that had haunted me for years.

Something that the 9-5 traditional routine wasn't quite fulfilling.

Something, only asking that
question unlocked within me.

So, in 2014, at the age of 30, I took a leap of faith. I quit my job and started my own ventures, on the search for my own purpose. It wasn’t always smooth sailing. But through it all, I learned what truly mattered to me and how to reach my potential. Most importantly of all – I got to know myself.

I realised that many others were facing similar struggles, confused about their direction in life. And I also realised this was by far the most important, life-changing question that EVERYONE needs to know. That’s when I made it my mission to help people figure it out.

Today, I run KNOW, an education and training company, to empower the next generation of Muslim thinkers, innovators, scientists and creatives – by helping them find their purpose, fulfil their potential and discover where they can add the most value in the world.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”



Join the Community

The KNOW Community on Skool is our vibrant, inclusive space for like-minded knowledge seekers like you to connect, learn and collaborate. Whether you’re searching for your purpose, curious about history or passionate about uplifting the Ummah, this is the place to become a better critical thinker, lifelong learner and purposeful pioneer.

Join us for inspiring discussions, collaborative projects and mini courses and embrace a motivated community of thinkers and doers with a shared vision – to revive a Second Golden Age of Islam insha’Allah!

When You Join The KNOW Skool Community, You Recieve:

– A thriving supportive community of aspiring and experienced changemakers, all focused on self improvement and serving the Ummah
– Exclusive content and courses not available anywhere else
– Ask questions in the community and get support from our team and others
– Get prizes the more you get involved and engage
– Exclusive announcements of upcoming events, livestreams and releases

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“10 Great People from the Islamic Intellectual Revolution you need to KNOW!”

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